
Coming Home
I have just arrived in Lima, Peru. Tonight at 11pm I fly to Miami and then home. I will be home at noon on Saturday. This trip to Peru was remarkable and an amazing experience. The people and the county of Peru are magnificent. The Amazon Jungle area is the most unique place on Earth that I have ever witnessed first hand. I hope Adam’s and my photographs will help me show and tell the story all what compassion looks like in the heart and soul of each of the volunteers. It has been a great personal experience for me and a highly rewarding journey. I have made some new and special friendships. I have contributed to an amazing medical journey of helping many children get an opportunity to have a more normal and better life. I even had the opportunity to visit with two precious children at their homes, meet their families and see how and where they live. It was a very emotional journey and I was deeply saddened by what I saw and felt. So many of us are blessed with our own good health and the good health of our family members and friends. The same is not true for the children and families I have met. I am grateful to have the opportunity to help some of them. The teamwork and friendship of these 12 medical professionals from around North America was wonderful to observe and be a part of. The country of Peru is rich with culture and beauty. But the most beautiful part of Peru is the people, especially the children.