
I have just received from Adam Forgash, his photos from our trip to Pucallpa Peru. It was so exciting to see the trip through his camera and his soul. The trip has become such a vivid memory following the viewing of his amazing photos. The photo above is of Lourdes. She is a 10 month precious child and the photo you are looking at was done 2 days following her surgery. Look at how fast she is healing and how happy her new life will be. Knowing that I had a hand in this lifts my heart and soul to new heights. I am so excited about many of Adams photos that I am planing on creating a book of them for others to enjoy. My life following the trip to Peru has become so much more dedicated to helping as many children as possible. This year it is our goal to help 500 children or more. I want to thank Interplast for their invitation to join the trip to Peru. I also want to thank Adam Forgash for his photographs and compassion and friendship. The entire Interplast team was truly remarkable and my hats off to each of them.