
" A Special Gift – Young girl's life is changed"
This story is such an emotional story to tell. While I was in Pucallpa Peru with the Resurge Medical team this young girl and her mother showed up on clinic day. Clinic day is the first day of patients coming to the hospital, at which time, the potential children are met by the surgeon and pediatrician. At that time a decision is made to either say yes or no to the surgery by the doctors .
This case was the most unusual one on the trip for me. I heard from the interrupter that the mother was pleading with the doctor to say yes to the surgery. This girl had a 6th toe and her toes were also stuck together without the normal separation. In my understanding of the conversation, through the interpreter, the mother was begging the doctor to help her daughter. The mother explained that her daughter wanted the surgery badly so she could have pretty feet just like her friends. The girl wanted to wear pretty shoes on her feet but could not. The girl wanted to feel and look pretty like her friends.
The doctor had to decide if he would accommodate this rather different request from the pleading mother. He decided that they would do the surgery and you can imagine how happy the mother and the girl was to hear the great news. Of all of the surgeries performed I do not know of a happier patient and mother than this girl. This was a life changing surgery for her . The appearance of this young girl was beautiful. The children of Peru are very beautiful. I am grateful that the medical team decided to help her.
These photographs were taken by myself while in surgery. I wanted to be by her side as she had her surgery. It was a thrill for me. The surgery was very intricate and it took a great deal of time. When the surgery was over I joined her in recovery. This was another life changing moment for me.