
"The Gift"
” Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” –Leo Buscaglia
There is nothing better to fill your heart than the sound of laughter and the smiles of children. There are so many children all over the world that can’t. Barco’s Nightingales Foundation has had the privilege with the help of many of you to turn their lives around.
A donation of $900 will pay for 3 surgeries, imagine that, 3 new smiles. For this small act of caring, you will receive this limited edition print and a book by the photographer, Phil Borges. But most importantly, you have the potential to turn 3 lives around.
All of us at Barco’s Nightingales Foundation wish you and your families a safe and wonderful New Year filled with new hopes and wishes fulfilled.
If you are interested in making this donation, please contact me at: