
Prayer for Newtown
- Eric Thayer/Reuters/Landov
My heart breaks for the 20 precious children and 6 adults who were gunned down and killed in Newtown , CT. This a tragic moment for the families and everyone else in our country. My granddaughter Mia is also 6 years old. When I looked into her precious and beautiful eyes this week end, I felt such pain in realizing that 20 precious children Mia’s age were just gunned down. It hit home and brought me to my knees. I hope and pray this situation never happens again.
In honor of each of the 20 children and 6 adults, I will be providing one surgery for each child and each adult. I will also be sending 26 children with cancer to the Ronald McDonald’s Camp for Good Times.
A child’s laughter is the magical music of life that is so real and precious. May we find a way to protect our children and treasure life.