
Agness Can Go to School without Shame
This story from ReSurge International is one of many that touches our hearts.
“Agness is a 17-year-old girl from a small town in Zambia who received severe burns
on her face and left hand in a house fire several years ago when she was a young
girl. She first met Dr. Goran Jovic, director of our Surgical Outreach Program in
Zambia, in 2007. At that time, he began operating to release the severe burn scar
contractures that had formed on her hand and face. The contracture near her
mouth and eyes had caused her to develop ectropion, a condition in which the
lower eyelid and lips turn outward and the inner surface is exposed.
Dr. Jovic has operated on Agness several times since then, placing skin grafts on
her face and hands, and she now has almost full functionality of her hand and the
ectropions on her face have been corrected. Dr. Jovic says she now goes to school
without shame and is a good student. She has hopes of continuing her studies and
becoming a nurse one day, and because of the treatment she has received over
the years from ReSurge, she is well on her way.
We are enormously grateful to the Barco’s Nightingales Foundation for its
partnership in helping to transform the lives of children like Agness.”