
Baby Bao
Me Nguyen is a man of small stature, but large character. He is also an amazing father. Me was born with a cleft palate and lip. He was an oddity in his village and his parents struggled for him to gain acceptance. At age eight he was sent as one of the “Boat people” to live in Hong Kong because his family didn’t have enough food to care for him. While he was living in a refugee camp, a western medical organization performed surgery on his lip and palate. A few years later he missed his mother so much he returned home and all the people of his village rejoiced at his new appearance. His mother, Tuoc, couldn’t believe the miracle the doctors performed on her son.
Me’s son Nhat was born during a violent storm, thus his nickname “Bao,” meaning storm. He is lucky to be alive. During a routine ultrasound the doctor discovered that he would also be born with cleft palate and lip. Me’s wife was devastated and wanted to have an abortion. Me, and his mother, Tuoc, said no. They moved the family to the countryside to live until the baby was born. After his birth, Bao’s mom never visited the baby in the hospital nursery, and after a few days she left the hospital and abandoned the family.
Since his mother had left, the hospital was going to send Bao to an orphanage. Tuoc, the baby’s grandmother, agreed to raise the baby along with Me. The hospital officials questioned her and doubted their ability to properly raise this child. She defiantly said, “I raised my son. He is a good man. I can do it!”
Six months later, they traveled to Quang Ngai by bus from outside of Saigon. Me found out about the ReSurge team after being approached by a western man who asked him if he wanted help for his baby. Me, Tuoc and Bao made the journey without a place to stay or any guarantee that a surgery could be performed. The travel is a huge financial hardship for them, but Me says, “we will worry about the money later. We have to care for Bao.”
Me feels a lot of sadness and guilt about Bao. No one ever told him it wasn’t his fault and that the clefts are very common. Everyone in their extended family is so happy that Bao is getting help. They thanked the ReSurge team. When asked if they’d thought about what he’d look like after surgery, they were too emotional to speak.
On surgery day Me and his mother were too nervous to eat. Dr Pirko Maguina, performed the surgery while Me and Tuoc anxiously waited outside with many other families. Updates on the progress were greeted with hugs, tears and thank yous. After a successful surgery, but prior to the family being allowed to be with the baby, a ReSurge volunteer showed them a picture of their new Bao. Me laid his head on the volunteer’s chest and wept. The throng of families then engulfed them trying to get a glimpse of the “magic” these surgeons had performed.
The family is now almost ready to make the journey home. The ReSurge volunteers are greeted with hugs and sincere gratitude at every visit to Bao’s recovery room.