
Thank you Denisse
Last February, Barco’s Uniform employee Denisse Casales joined me on my trip to Haiti. Denise described this trip as “life-changing,” saying she was so touched by the people of Haiti that she returned home determined to go back to Haiti and do all she could to help them. Denisse posted pictures of her experiences on her social media pages and received and enormous response from fellow employees, family members and friends asking how they could help.
Denisse told us, “Soon after that I started receiving emails and calls from people wanting to donate clothing and shoes that they did not need and that were in good condition. The next thing I knew I was packing seven boxes for Haiti. I couldn’t believe it; it was a complete blessing.” Denisse is still receiving and boxing donations for another shipment.
Denisse shared her pictures with us as well. Seeing this photo of a young child wearing some of the clothes donated by the Barco’s Nightingales Foundation, it’s no surprise that the response Denisse received was so great. She also sent a photo of a young girl, four year old Joidline Louis, whom she met while in Haiti. “When I met her she was wondering the streets with no clothes, we immediately locked eyes and she jumped in my arms, I promised I would sponsor her to go to school since her family doesn’t have the means to do. I am delighted to say that she should be starting to school in the next few weeks.”
Denisse we are grateful for your help in spreading the word about Barco’s Nightingales Foundation’s work in Haiti and overwhelmed by your dedication to providing clothing for the people in need.
~Michael and Frida Donner