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Barco's Nightingales Foundation Is Supported by Some of the Nation's Leading Professional Nurses

September 9, 2014

When Frida and I began the Barco’s Nightingales Foundation, we set up two Advisory Boards/Councils to guide us in the important work the Foundation does each day.  One of these councils, the very important Nurse Advisory Council, is comprised of some of the most influential leaders, educators, volunteers, and innovators in the nursing community today.  I invite you to meet them on our website.

Alana Barron, RN, is a resource nurse at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where she works in the trauma ER, the intensive care units and the surgical recovery room.
Judith Vineyard Roach, R.N., M.N. has gained a wide range of experience throughout her nursing career, with a common thread being the education of patients on maintaining and improving their health.

Tina Cerruti, RN, BSN is a Staff Nurse, Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Kaiser Sacramento Medical Center and a volunteer with ReSurge International.                                                                                                                                          
Kay Clarke, RN is the Nurses Committee Advisor for ReSurge International.
Beverly Kent is the Director of Volunteer Services and Strategic Initiatives for ReSurge International.

Erin Marlin, RN, ATCN, CPAN, ACLS, PALS, BLS is a Volunteer with ReSurge International as well as a critical care nurse at both Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and UCLA Medical Center.
Kathleen Ruccione, MPH, RN, FAAN, CPON is the Co-Director, HOPE Program Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles(CHLA) and a Professor at the Keck School of Medicine, USC.
Rosemary Welde, RN, MBA has been an operating room nurse at Stanford Hospital for over 25 years and a medical volunteer with ReSurge International for 28 years, serving on the ReSurge board from 2001 to 2010.
Dawn M. Yost, RDH, RN, BSN, CNOR is a Perioperative Services Manager, West Virginia University Hospitals and a Volunteer with ReSurge International.

Sherry Kwater, MSM, BSN, RN is Chief Nursing Officer for the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania.
These dedicated Advisory Council members have over 275 years of professional experience and over150 years of volunteer service combined. The words “thank you” can never express all the gratitude we feel for their continued work and service.
~Michael and Frida Donner