
Water…A Scarce Resource
All over the world, we are reading stories of severe droughts.
California is in its third year of drought with reservoirs drying up and forest fires burning statewide. In January, Brazil faced its hottest month on record, threatening major crops such as coffee and livestock. Major cities like San Paulo had less than a month’s supply of fresh water left for its population. And, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, May, June, July and August of this year all broke heat records worldwide, surpassing the temperature records of 1998.
What does this mean for all of us? Record high temperatures lead to diminished resources of fresh water and a rise in the costs of food worldwide. Fresh water is vital in maintaining the production of food, both crops and livestock. Without water, crops fail, established plants and trees yield less fruit, animals perish, and those that survive have less fertile grazing land available.
It seems more important than ever to continue to find new sources and provide fresh, safe water to the world’s population, which is why Barco’s Nightingales Foundation is committed to building solar wells in Haiti. These wells, constructed in some of the remotest areas, are bring fresh, safe water to thousands of villagers who otherwise would have to travel great distances to get water, which is often unsafe for consumption. These wells not only provide safe drinking water but contribute to better overall health as well.
Frida and I are honored to participate in the construction of these wells, and through them, increasing the quality of life for thousands of Haitians. As always, we appreciate your support in this endeavor.
~Michael and Frida Donner