
Barco’s Nightingales Foundation Award for Nursing Excellence
The Barco’s Nightingales Foundation Award for Nursing Excellence honors nurses who not only have contributed to their profession, but who are committed to humanitarian work as volunteers donating their time and professional skills to those in need.
We are delighted to announce that the 2014 award recipient is Tina Cerutti, RN, BSN, who is a Staff Nurse in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit at Kaiser Sacramento Medical Center. Tina is also an active volunteer for ReSurge International, and a member of the Barco’s Nightingales Foundation Nurse Advisory Council.
Tina Cerruti’s passion for volunteerism and desire to contribute to the medical profession began in high school when she volunteered for the local community hospital as an inpatient nurse’s helper. In that role, she discovered the tremendous rewards in providing care and comfort to people dealing with hospitalization and various medical concerns. During her 30-year career as an RN, she has worked in medical and surgical intensive care as well as cardiac care, and has been active in advancing the role of nurses through various medical networks and through her involvement with the California Nurses Association. She is committed to bringing greater public awareness to the concept of patient’s rights and to recognition of the nurse’s role as a patient advocate.
Her work with ReSurge began over 10 years ago as an international surgical team volunteer. She spends two weeks each year helping to provide reconstructive surgery and medical care to underprivileged children and adults in developing countries.