
Every day is a New Miracle
We are very proud of the solar water wells that Barco’s Nightingales Foundation has built, mostly because for the people in Haiti, every day with clean water is a new miracle. The impact of what we are doing through these wells in Haiti is extraordinary, and so today, I’d like to share a bit about how these wells work and how they make such a tremendous difference.
All of Barco’s Nightingales Foundation’s wells are solar-powered groundwater pumping systems. They are located in remote areas where there is no other way of getting the power needed to extract water from deep below the earth’s surface. The wells draw water from the ground using electricity generated by the sun, which is captured by solar panels and stored in nearby generators. Each solar-powered well can serve between 3,000-4,000 villagers a day, although several installed in Haiti have recently seen that number double and even nearly triple due to the ongoing drought.
Over the past decade, Barco’s Nightingales Foundation has built seven solar water wells, serving over on average 25,000 villagers in the remote areas of Haiti where fresh water was previously either unavailable or many miles away. Our seventh well, the Bony Well, provided fresh, clean water for more than 10,000 Haitians from remote villages in the first few days after it began operations. Haitian women and children, mostly, travel for miles along dried up riverbeds to come to the villages to use our wells.
In addition to providing drinking water, these wells help save lives by reducing the incidence of water-borne disease including cholera, which has been an ongoing problem in Haiti since an outbreak that began in October 2010 resulting in over 8,927 deaths as of April 2015.
Each of us can help save and improve the lives of those Haitians who still struggle to survive without easy access to clean, safe water. Each solar water well we build costs about $30,000.00. With your contributions and support, we can continue our work and build even more wells.
Every dollar counts. Why not make a commitment to pass up your next latte or dessert and instead, donate to Barco’s Nightingales Foundation so we can build another, vitally needed well?
Or, every time you drink a glass of water for one month, put a quarter (or more) into a large jar as you think about those who can’t simply go to a faucet in their homes for clean water. Then, donate the money so that together, we can help someone else have access to safe water.
Donating is simple. Just follow this link to our donation page.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity toward the people of Haiti.
~Michael and Frida Donner