
Five Facts About Hunger in Haiti
Haiti is the poorest country in the Northern Hemisphere with approximately 55% of the Haitian population living below the international poverty line. Five years after the devastating earthquake, some 500,000 people remain displaced and too many communities remain at-risk. Hunger is a big issue for Haitians today. Here are some pertinent facts concerning the food situation for Haiti:
1. Two and one half million Haitians fall into the 55% living below the poverty line.
2. Shocks induced by climate change – drought, then flooding and landslides, lack of water for drink and irrigation – threaten over 500,000 Haitians every year.
3. Ninety percent of farmers depend upon rain to grow their crops as only ten percent of their crops are irrigated.
4. Although agriculture is an important sector of Haiti’s economy, the country fails to produce enough food, and imports more than 50 percent for its population’s needs.
5. Haiti imports 80 percent of its main staple – rice.
One-hundred thousand children under five years of age suffer from acute malnutrition.
While these statistics are staggering, there is always hope. There are many world organizations working with the Haitian government and individual organizations to alleviate some of these challenges.
Barco’s Nightingales Foundation also continues to support efforts to end hunger in Haiti. Our solar water wells provide clean water for cooking nutritious, healthy meals in addition to water for drinking. And, we provide more than 18,000 hot lunches each month for school aged children. These meals ensure the children receive needed nutrition, and help them concentrate and remain focused on their schoolwork.
Even so, this is just a drop in the bucket. We would love to feed even more children each day, and with your help, we can. Please give generously so others will be healthy.