
ReSurge International: Hand Training in Ecuador
One of the most important aspects of the work our partner, ReSurge International undertakes is the visiting educator program. Through this program, expert volunteer medical professionals go to developing countries and give hands-on training to local medical personnel. This training extends their impact and helps ensure treatment continues to reach as many people as possible, even after ReSurge volunteers return home.
We are delighted to share the story of one recent trip, and proud to support ReSurge International and their work around the world.
~Michael and Frida Donner
ReSurge visiting educators traveled to Guayaquil, Ecuador, to train local doctors on how to repair serious hand injuries. Their team included Dr. Gavin O’Mahony, a hand surgeon; Dr. Karen Pitbladdo, an occupational therapist and hand therapist; and Dr. Karina Rando, an anesthesiologist.
They worked with local doctors, physical therapists and staff, lecturing and providing hands-on training. Skills taught included scaphoid fractures, nerve transfer, tendon reconstruction and post-surgery physical therapy.
There were also patients who received surgical care. They include Juan, a 26-year-old who was injured when he jumped into a fight to protect a woman from being attacked by her ex-boyfriend. Juan suffered cuts on both hands, and the forearm muscle that enables movement of his right hand was nearly severed. He also had limited motion and sensation in his left hand.
Surgeons were able to repair the forearm muscle. We hope the procedure will eventually lead to Juan regaining full use of his hand. The ReSurge team put Juan in a specialized plastic splint that provided support but also a minimum level of flexibility. Doctors expect him to remain hospitalized until his left hand is stable.
ReSurge is grateful to our volunteer educators, the local medical professionals and our partnership with Long Island Plastic Surgical Group, which helps sponsor our work in Ecuador.