
The Letters Campaign Kicks-Off
Last week Barco’s Nightingales Foundation began The Letters Campaign. This program is designed to provide encouragement and support for new nurses and to provide insights with the general public about the leadership, professionalism and important role nurses perform every day.
We are looking for 12 nurses to participate and hope that you will reach out to at least two people you know and secure their participation on our behalf. We are asking that each nurse write two letters:
–One open letter to first year nursing students with their best advice for succeeding and elevating the profession of nursing as they embrace their studies and begin to practice.
–One open letter to the public written as an advocate for the profession of nursing focusing on leadership, professionalism, training or any other aspect of nursing that they feel is important to stress.
As a thank you, each nurse who writes the two letters will receive a set of Grey’s Anatomy Scrubs by Barco Uniforms. In addition, we will award three prizes in each of the two categories in the form of a donation to one of the charities Barco’s Nightingales Foundation supports. The winner can pick from:
–Sending one child to Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times
–Feeding one child in Haiti for one year through the Lighthouse Foundation
–Donating one life-saving surgery to ReSurge International
There will be one grand prize winner who will have the opportunity to go to Haiti with The Lighthouse Foundation to volunteer. Barco’s Nightingales Foundation will make arrangements and pay for the airline ticket.
If you know a nurse whom you feel should participate, please email us at with their name and contact information.
Thank you in advance. We look forward to sharing the letters with you this summer.
~Michael and Frida Donner