My wife Frida and I want to extend our New Year’s Prayer to the children of Haiti. May 2013 be a better year for you. May you find your health and your life improving. Our prayers are for you and for your families. We will be building 2 more water wells for other children and […]
Eric Thayer/Reuters/Landov My heart breaks for the 20 precious children and 6 adults who were gunned down and killed in Newtown , CT. This a tragic moment for the families and everyone else in our country. My granddaughter Mia is also 6 years old. When I looked into her precious and beautiful eyes this week […]
It was such an honor to meet and to present the “Barco’s Nightingales Nursing Award for Excellence” to our second winner with my wife Frida. Our award focuses in on those nurses who volunteer their time for the benefit of children. Rosemary has gone on 35 medical missions for the benefit of children. She is an […]
Several weeks ago Maria pictured with her daughter had surgery to remove her cancer. I am happy to report the surgery was a big success and she is now coming back to work soon. The feedback from the doctors was as good as it gets. Maria has been an amazing emigre for nearly 9 years. […]
This is a very new photo of Quinn. Just look at the life in her eyes and at her spirit. She has just had a very successful surgery which removed her primary tumor. The doctors are pleased. She will continue her chemotherapy and fight to be cancer free. Her courage and determination has taught me […]
I want to pay tribute to my wife and partner Frida. As our lives move into these precious years we have so much to look forward to. It is such an honor to live the rest of my life with my beloved wife Frida. Barco’s Nightingales has brought added meaning and purpose in our lives. […]
Just look at the courage of Quinn. She has gone through 4 rounds of chemotherapy along with her stem cell treatment. Just look at her fight for life. God is by her side and she is winning. I have learned so much from Quinn. Every day is precious and we need to be positive as […]
Quinn continues to get treatment and she is doing well. Her medical team is awesome. Please keep Quinn in your prayers Thank you Michael