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" Barco's Nightingales salutes the Greatness of Nurses"

May 9, 2012

We want to salute the greatness of nurses as we celebrate nurses week and the birthday of Florence Nightingale.  The photo above was taken in Peru while I joined a medical trip with the staff from Resurge International.  The nurses in this photo are remarkable and showed me what the heart of a volunteer nurses looks and feels like.  A special salute to Beverly, Tina, Stephanie and Diane who are pictured in the above photo starting from the left.
Pictured below are other photos taken of these nurses while in action.

Remarkable skill and intelligence with hearts of gold is a far better way to describe these nurses. As we celebrate Nurses week, please visit our gallery, Image of Nurses. Please join me in giving these nurses and all nurses a heartfelt standing ovation.