“So many children I’ve met don’t have the basic necessities of life — food, water, clothing, medical care — everything we are blessed with and often take for granted. Together we can work to change this reality and to literally, save lives.”
Since 2008, Barco’s NightingalesSM Foundation has focused its work on providing life-changing services to children around the world through our charity partners. Working with Hispaniola Mountain Ministries, Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times, The Lighthouse Foundation, and ReSurge International, we know that our contributions have a direct and immediate impact.
While our work is evident in the clean water provided by our solar water wells in Haiti, the thousands of meals served to the people in Haiti, the freedom for kids with cancer to help heal the heart, mind and soul (the areas medicine cannot heal) and the surgeries we fund that bring new hope for full lives, its impact is seen in the smiles of the children, heard in their songs of gratitude and felt deep in our hearts. We are proud to support these nonprofit organizations and their extraordinary work in helping us with keeping hope alive in the hearts of the children.
Founded in 1982, Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times is one of the nation’s largest recreational camp programs for children with cancer and their families. Camp activities are specifically designed to develop social and emotional competencies in youth who have lost much of their childhood to treatment and hospital stays. At the same time, camp programs connect children and parents with others who face the same day to day challenges and help families build a network of support.
In 2015, Camp welcomed 1,653 campers (1,323 youth and 330 parents) to the serenity of our 60 acre facility in the San Jacinto Mountains. Due to the devastating financial effects of cancer, our programs are offered FREE of charge. Our program relies on over 400 volunteer staff of doctors, nurses, and specially trained counselors, who provide a medically safe and psychologically supportive environment for all of our campers. Last year, volunteers served in 857 different roles at Camp, providing 42,567 hours of service to our mission.
GoHMM is a nonprofit organization devoted to caring for the people of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The organization’s purpose is to enhance religious, educational, cultural and living conditions in these areas, and does so in various forms, from medical and dental endeavors to Vacation Bible Schools to giving out bags of food to something as simple as a hug. Recently, it has expanded its efforts to include the building of much-needed solar-powered water wells in Haiti. GoHMM opens its arms to all volunteers and involves anyone who has a calling by putting them in the field to experience God’s work, the love of the people, and an inexplicable blessing in their lives.
Since 2004, the Lighthouse Foundation of Corinth has been active in helping the hurting people of Haiti. In 2011, we met Rafael Perez Yan, a young man who had a vision to improve the lives of his people in Anse Pitre and the village of Banane. Since that time we have offered support to help Rafael carry out projects that will ease the day to day struggles of the poverty stricken families in these communities. We lead several mission teams from the USA each year that bring food and clothing and other necessities to these families. These teams have hosted VBS programs for the children as well as conferences for women. We also promote awareness here in America of the plight of the Haitian people hoping to encourage others to get involved.
With Stanford University roots, ReSurge International pioneered the first efforts to bring reconstructive surgery to developing countries in 1969. ReSurge builds surgical capacity and provides reconstructive surgeries for those in developing countries who suffer from disabling injuries or congenital anomalies, such as cleft lips and palates, burns, hand injuries and other conditions. Resurge focuses on training the next generation of reconstructive surgeons to increase access to sustainable, high-quality care. It renews the health of approximately 3,000 children and adults each year so they can go to school, provide for their families and contribute to society. Local, developing world surgical teams, which ReSurge trains and supports, perform most of those surgeries.
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is a national nonprofit public charity dedicated exclusively to finding permanent homes for the more than 100,000 children waiting in North America’s foster care systems. Created by Wendy’s® founder Dave Thomas, who was adopted, the Foundation implements evidence-based, results-driven national service programs, foster care adoption awareness campaigns and advocacy initiatives. To learn more, visit davethomasfoundation.org or call 1-800-ASK-DTFA.