
Making A Difference During the Holidays
The holidays are especially difficult for those battling illness, and especially for those in hospitals, nursing homes, or hospice facilities. Even with family and friends coming to visit, these facilities can bring on a feeling of isolation and loneliness that can be detrimental to health and healing. While nurses play a pivotal role in the healthcare of their patients around the clock, the holidays is perhaps when their patients need them most on a more personal, emotional level. And, nurses, like no others, are prepared and willing to give the support, comfort and care every patient needs.
Of course the first priority of every nurse is healthcare – monitoring vital signs, administering medication, and performing vital services that help heal a patient physically. Nurses help patients understand treatments and procedures and at the same time provide critical information on patients to doctors, ensuring the proper treatment and care is provided. Knowing that they are on the mend and that they may be going home soon is sure to brighten any patient’s holiday.
In addition, nurses lift patients’ spirits during the holidays in ways that go beyond their responsibilities. They spend extra time listening to patients’ memories or celebrating their traditions as best they can, and ensure patients look their best by helping with make-up, special clothing, hair brushing, or other personal grooming concerns. After all, nurses know that when you look good, you feel good.
Often, what patients want most is someone to talk with who will sincerely listen. Nurses fill this need and help ease isolation. Their smiles, gentle touches, kind words, respectful, positive attitudes and most of all, their time, make a tremendous difference in how someone feels, especially during the holidays.
So whether you are being cared for by a nurse during this holiday season, have a loved one who is being cared for, or know a nurse who is working to ease the holidays for patients, join us in thanking them and providing them with a little extra TLC. After all, giving comfort and care during the holidays can be the best gift you ever receive.
~Michael and Frida Donner