As a nurse, it may seem odd to think of your chosen profession as a volunteer opportunity, after all, it’s what you do every single day for work. Yet many nurses see their profession as a vocation. These nurses are typically those that become volunteers. A poll by the American Nursing Association found that 69% […]
We are proud to continue supporting the efforts of these amazing nurses and doctors as they volunteer through ReSurge International, all of whom are wearing scrubs we provided through Barco Uniforms. Their stories from this recent trip to Bangladesh are moving and filled with hope. To read some of these first-hand accounts, visit the blog […]
Our friends at ReSurge International tell us that the poorest 2 billion of the global population lack access to even the most basic surgical care. As a result, people suffer from treatable ailments like burn injuries, complications of pregnancy, cancers, clefts and other conditions. This video they prepared on the global need for surgery and […]
Guest Blog by Sue Averill, ONAAT Around the world there are so many people in so many places in need of medical services and healthcare education that it’s difficult to know where to you start if you want to help make a difference. One Nurse At A Time (ONAAT) was founded by nurses who recognized […]
When I visited Haiti this year, I had the opportunity to see some amazing and caring doctors, nurses and dentists bringing health and healing to their patients in Haiti. The experience touched my heart and reaffirmed our vision and mission for Barco’s Nightingales Foundation. For six days the volunteer teams provided dental and medical help […]